What Sets Our Frozen Entrées Apart from the Boxed Dinners You Can Get from a Grocery Store?

HomeBlogWhat Sets Our Frozen Entrées Apart from the Boxed Dinners You Can Get from a Grocery Store?

What Sets Our Frozen Entrées Apart from the Boxed Dinners You Can Get from a Grocery Store?No matter where you are in life, it can always be convenient to have a frozen dinner in your freezer that’s ready to go on a rainy day. While you can easily grab a bunch of boxed dinners from the freezer section at your local grocery store, these are often tasteless, have questionable ingredients, and are maybe a bit freezer burnt. Rather than taking your chances with these boxed dinners, you can rely on us at Jamie’s Main & Local instead.

Here are a few things that set our frozen entrées apart from those sad boxed dinners.

  • Prepared locally: The main thing that sets our frozen entrées apart from boxed dinners is that we offer entrées that are made locally by restaurants and gourmet food shops. You’ll never have to guess where your food came from or what its quality will be because it will always be of the highest quality and delicious every time.
  • Fresh ingredients: If you’ve ever stared at a boxed dinner from the grocery store, trying to determine what the mush is that you’re eating, you know how much fresh ingredients matter. Our frozen entrées are made with fresh ingredients and without any questionable preservatives. The food is always preserved and frozen at its peak, so it will taste fresh and delicious.
  • Many tasty options available: We have many options of frozen entrées available here at our shop. We also have tasty frozen snacks for you to choose from and enjoy as well.

Feel free to visit us today to see for yourself what makes our frozen entrées so amazing.